The Sixties Radical on the Obama Shake down of BP

I can’t pound this enough. This nation is at the crossroads. The 2010 November midterm elections are the most important election in our history.

We are beyond the tipping point.

If Obama and his merry band of destroyers of this great nation of ours prevail and keep control of the House and Senate we are doomed.

The march towards Socialism-Fascism is well underway.

The Prez has taken over the banking industry, the auto industry, the health care industry and now the Dems and the left are about to control the oil industry.

The oil spill is now being used as an excuse to shake down BP for the tune of 120 million dollars to fund the government and the Democrat party.

None of this extortion I mean relief money for the citizens of the Gulf Coast will ever get into the hands of the people.

This money will be used to fund ACORN, The Democrat Party, Obama care, welfare and millions of government entitlements.

Rush raised a good point; under what Constitutional authority does Obama have in taking money from BP?


Yet, he strong-armed BP into giving him the dough.

I thought the courts were the ones who awarded settlements.

But before that can happen, one must have a trial.

No trial.

Give me the bucks.

You will do what I tell you.

Our Constitution is being shredded left and right by Obama and his thugs.

The situation our country finds itself in is more than dangerous.

We can’t even defend ourselves.

The latest news is that seventeen Afghans have gone AOL from the Army.

These cats have passes to get into any military base.

These terrorists are running loose.

This is political correctness gone amok

For eight years we were safe now with Prez Obama in control it is an open door policy for the enemy to kill us.

It is open season on Americans.

Thank you Obama.

You think I am kidding.

I am not.

911 was a warning.

The Taliban will strike again.

They already have.

Does Fort Hood ring a bell?

Does the car bomb found in New York strike a familiar note?

You can cut this seventy-five ways to Sunday but we are fighting an enemy that will kill us.

End of Discussion.

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