The Sixties Radical-Azriel

Sacrifice is the very bread of life that we give to G-d so HIS soul is merged with the world. This is so G-d’s divine presence and energy is drawn into the world.

“Throughout the Torah, G‑d refers to the sacrifices repeatedly and figuratively as His “bread.” Just as consuming bread – and food in general – keeps our souls connected to our bodies, the “bread” of G‑d – the sacrificial service – keeps G‑d, the soul and life-force of the world, bound together with the world. In this way, through the sacrificial rituals, Divine energy is drawn into the world.

The same is true of our personal “sacrificial services”: Our study of the Torah, our prayers, our charitable deeds, and our ongoing refinement and elevation of the physical world in general, are G‑d’s “bread,” connecting the world with G‑d.1” Sefer HaMa’amarim 5643, p. 104.

“In teaching Moses the procedures for the sacrifices, G‑d referred to them several times as “bread for the fire [of the Altar].”

[G‑d told Moses,] “The priest must burn [the sacrifice] on the Altar, as food for the fire, to G‑d.” Leviticus 3:11